
スマブラ英会話 実践編 #1 実況を聞こう!『CEO 2016』ANTi vs Zinoto


今回は先週末行われた『CEO 2016』Wii U版(SSB4) シングルス決勝第1ゲームを題材にする。


※7/6 修正 動画の再アップが行われていたようなので動画を差し替え、時間をずらしました。

TK: All right man. Much like Beyoncé said, "this grand finals is a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare". We're about to find out which one it is.
D1: Hahaha here it is.

bracket: トーナメント表, winner[loser] side: 勝者[敗者]側, grand finals: 決勝

TK: Haha, But it's about to be something else, man. Like, Zinoto is on a tear he's been playing out of his mind today. He lost to Dabuz earlier and then immediately came back with a vengeance 3-1 victory over this man and beat his Olimar, beat his Rosalina. It was just, it did not matter what he was gonna do. I mean that was a very dominant last game too but right now we're in the grand finals ANTi.. 
D1: Oh

play out of one's mind: (いい意味で)イカれたプレイをする, beat:倒す, dominant: 圧倒的な

TK: I mean he(Zinoto) started nice but ANTi started a fire on right back.
D1: And that's just what Mario's all about, right? You can have a lead over him, you get grabbed one time, and it's a LOT of damage. Look at ANTi's, like (his) offstage game is pretty good with Mario, too, which could be really rough for Zinoto. He's gonna have to keep his feet on stage, man.

grab:つかむ, offstage: ステージ外での

TK: Indeed. And now, man, ANTi's on the ground right now looking real good. Hold on?
D1: He looked for a high recovery as a lot of Diddy players tend to go for that. But Zinoto is showing that he mixes it up.

recovery: 復帰, mix up:択をかける。ここで it は recovery を指し、「復帰に択をかける」を意味する。

TK: And sometimes, I mean, I understand like going low Diddy can be risky at times, especially when someone could just snipe you with a fire ball but you know, the high recovery is, if its read, just as risky.
D1: Oh I did like..
TK: That man is bouncing that on the shield, let's go.

snipe:(飛び道具で崖外の相手を)狙い撃つ, read:読む, shield:シールド, let's go:「いいぞ」といった意味でよく使われる表現。

D1: I did like ANTi's DI after the Up smash as well. DI'ing in sometimes you could potentially avoid the last hit. I've learned from Larry Lurr.
TK: Indeed. Definitely saw earlier today too, man. A lot of people DI'd behind Diddy and avoided the last hit, just barely but still getting it.

DI: ベクトル変更。DI'ing のように動詞でも使う。 DI in で「内側(相手のいる方向に)ベクトル変更する」 up smash: 上スマッシュ

D1: Or if they do get hit, somehow they just... Look, oh oh. And interesting thing ,too, about ANTi, you know, back in the Brawl days he was definitely known to be one that was great against Diddy, you know. He knew what to do with items, right? Like, if you look at ADHD, a great Diddy player.. Oh?
TK: What a tech!

tech: 受け身

D1: He was good at dealing with items as well. So this ain't new to him, if you know what I'm saying.
TK: Can't get that one right there just a little bit too far, also good DI from Zinoto and great punish as well. 
D1: Forward throw?

get:(バースト技、コンボ、復帰阻止などを)決める。ここでの that はANTiの空前メテオのこと。punish: 相手の甘い行動を狩ること全般を指す。ここでは相手の空前透かしへの「反確」のこと。forward throw: 前投げ

TK: Yeah we're out, man. Brett Favre in the building. Touch down! Let's see what he can do. I think he can take a stock off before it takes too long. He's got 116 and UP SMASH. Let it ring and he's gone. Good stuff right there by ANTi. Reverse up smash, too, to get a hit earlier.

good stuff: なんにでも使える褒め言葉。「良いプレイ」程度のニュアンス。reverse: 反転の、振り向きざまの。その他吹き飛ばし方向が通常と逆のものも reverse ◯◯ と表現する。

D1: Oh and Zinoto out there trying to ? on him. Nice! He waited. That footstool allowed him to get out of the situation.


TK: Here we go, down throw? Oh footstool, Ohhhhh WHO DOES THAT?! Let's go Zinoto! Show me something new every day.
D1: Showing that, this, this Diddy, he is the realest Diddy man. One of the realest.
TK: Some good damage off that one, too.

D1: That down tilt to down smash pushed ANTI all the way to the corner of stage. It's getting real scary right now for ANTi. Oh-oh?
TK: Down.. oh okay let's monkey-flip right in the space right there. 

down tilt: 下強。to: 〜からの。コンボや連携技をつなぐときに用いる。monkey-flip:(ディディーの横B)モンキーフリップ(を使う)

TK:The kong's chasing around banana trying to dance around banana as well and there is the..
TK: All right does it, it just does it. Banana, d-tilt f-smash. He was so close to the ledge like there was nothing that he could do about it.  

there is: 「〜が決まる」といった意味合い。d-tilt (down tilt), f-smash (forward smash) のように方向を表す語を省略することがしばしばある。ledge: 崖



6 件のコメント:

  1. 初コメント失礼します。海外の大会の配信を見たり、解説動画を見るのが好きなので英語関係の記事を参考にさせていただいております。


    1. コメントありがとうございます!そう言っていただけるとこちらもとても励みになります。






  2. 1:58の???は ... in da buildingって聞こえますね。肝心の最初は聞き取れないですが...。
    2:12の最初はZinoto trying to keep up on him.って聞こえますけど合ってるかは微妙です笑

    1. 改めて聞き返して調べてみましたが、どうやら Brett Favreという有名なアメフト選手がいるようです。Brett Favre in da building. Touch down! っていってるみたいですね!

      2:12ですが、Zinotoがリードしているのに keep up は合わない気がします...。"pre bop"みたいに聞こえますがやっぱりいまいちわからないですね。


    2. なるほど、アメフトに例えて言っていたのですねーー。

  3. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。
