
スマブラ英会話 実践編 #3 インタビューを聞こう! Hungrybox@『EVO 2016』

今回は実況ではなくインタビューの内容を聞き取ってみよう。『EVO 2016』DXシングルスで劇的な勝利を収めたプリン使いHungryboxの優勝後インタビューのうちの一つを取り上げてみる。


Daniel: 今のお気持ちは?
Hbox: I mean, this.. I wish I knew more words, I wish I had a poet here to actually describe what I'm feeling right now(1). But it's the single greatest accomplishment in my entire life, I can safely say that. And I'm so happy and I did it for all people supporting me. And like, finally, finally finally. It's a huge relief(2).


Daniel: 最終ゲーム、最終ストックという状況でどんなことが頭のなかを巡っていたのでしょうか?
Hbox: I mean, Armada is the world champ and I had to play like a world champ to beat him(3), so... He's just such a formidable opponent and his consistency... No one will ever match him, in consistency ever. But I knew that if i just stayed calm and just really really waited for the opening, I can beat him, even no matter how down I was. JigglyPuff is a huge comeback character. And there were so many points in the set like, well, it's another EVO. But it's just like, I don't know, something pushed me a little further and I'm like, I'm not gonna give it to him(4), I'm not... And I just didn't do any of those dumb pounds and didn't do those dumb back airs(5). And there was a lot of coaching that Lewis gave me to, like, sort of clean that up. Like, "don't give him a free win". So I did a lot of that and they worked up pretty well.


Daniel: セット中はコーチングができないルールでしたが、セット間にCrunch(Hboxのコーチ=Lewis)から何か重要なアドバイスなどがあったりしたのですか?
Hbox: So what... I won the first set with like, clutch, super clutch rest(6). And then I bet, I, we ran into the game 1 and right as a game was starting I remembered, oh shit, I could have got to talk to him. That was in the rules. And then... I had two pages of notes and so what I did was... That was crazy! So Lewis has always notes that I didn't read but, I don't know dude. The stars literally were lining, a shooting star came down and hit Armada's face(7). And... I don't even know dude. It's like winning lottery, I... literally. Like, I need to go play lottery tomorrow, I'm probably gonna win.


Daniel: ここ数年でみるみる成績を伸ばしてきていますが、ご自身の成長についてどのように感じていますか?
Hbox: It really is the end of an era, I think. The end of a very long chapter. It's 10 years going, reaching, what, gunning for this world title(8). And I finally got it, and... there's so many people who doubt me, there's so many people who don't like my... me or my play style because of JigglyPuff(9).  There's a lot of people who I have been kind to in the past cause I was young and immature and I've been trying to do my best to just bury all those hatchets and just show who I am, through my discipline in this game(10). And that was my main goal here. I knew that I could come really close and not win, but pushing myself to the limit and actually getting the win, coming up above everyone else against all odds from losers(11). And doing what I think is the craziest losers run, the only time I've ever won a national from losers ever in my life. I think that's, um, that's my statement(12).


Daniel: Plupとの再戦にはどのような面持ちで臨んだのでしょうか?
Hbox: I just, I just knew I could beat him if it's in three out of five. Um, a lot of tricks that we had gone for Shiek I didn't do in the first set 'cause it was a very first set of Melee, I was still kind of shaky on the stage. But once I beat Mango, I had momentum, I'm like, I'm gonna go for every rest he gave me, and I got a lot of those(13). And in game 3 I just absolutely demolished him and game 4 we got really scary, and I've got the classic clutch rest at the end off an up tilt(14), and that was a huge relief. And once that happened I knew, like, I'm gonna go straight for Armada, I can do this. And we saw the first two games I went up 2-0, 2-0 against Armada, and he brought it back three games, I think? And that was the game 5 last stock and I... I'm gonna re-watch that, it feels.. I don't know, I don't know, it's crazy. Every moment is crazy. None of that should happen, but it did(15).


Daniel: 最後に、ファンの方々に何か一言ありますでしょうか?
Hbox: I don't deserve the fans that I have(16). Their way, They're the best friends that I could ever ask for. They're so kind, so giving, so thoughtful. They just, they talked to me all the time, they post good things, and there's another Facebook people's Hungrybox thread where all the fans are. They just, some really good stuff, but also most important, like my mom, my girlfriend, they're like two of my, probably, my two biggest supporters, like through thick and thin no matter what I'm going through(17). They always pull for me and be like, with well. we're here whenever you need us, for, you know, we don't play the game, like, we know this is your passion, we want you to succeed. And I'm a very lucky man. I'm an extremely lucky man(18). 



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