Blur: The crowd is going crazy, no one can.. no one can believe it! That trade... Two straight comebacks!
Webs: I didn't want to say anything that whole time but M2K was playing that so well...
trade: 痛み分け。技がぶつかりあう、あるいはわざとぶつけにいくこと。comeback: 逆転、巻き返し
Blur: Oh!
Webs: He throws the hoodie down. No headset, no hoodie.
Blur: I'm surprised he's not standing up right now.
he(Hungrybox) is not standing up: Hungryboxはしばしば集中するために椅子から立ち上がってプレイすることで知られている。
Blur: His face... he's pissed about that I'd be, too. He just pulled Piccolo... put the weight training down. I think this might just be Angrybox.
Webs: Ahaha. The weighted clothing? Oh my god.
Blur: Yeah dude.
Angrybox: プレイヤー名をもじるネタは色いろある。特にMew2Kingの"Mew"の部分を代えるネタが有名(Sad2King, Mad2Kingなど)。
Webs: How's Angrybox? We're about to find out real quick.
Blur: Angrybox has emerged.
Webs: How many times has Hbox get(got) two rests that quick and then lose(lost) a game on Dream Land?
Blur: For real.
Webs: Oh my god.
Dream Land: プププランド
Blur: A lot had happened there.
Webs: No kidding. Ooh that was a really nice forward air for... The DI from M2K on the forward air was nice. Up an in, it makes it really difficult for Hbox get the vertical jump... height he needed to get a follow-up.
DI: ベクトル変更, Forward air: 空前 (方向 + airで表す), follow-up: 追撃
The DI... 以降は「あの空前のベク変はいいね。内側上方向(のベク変)でHungryboxが追撃に必要な高さまで飛ぶのがすごく難しくなった」
Blur: Mew2King building up damage. Oh-oh. Ohhhhhh.
Webs: Ohhhhh! PHANTOM REST! Everything going M2K's favor right now.
Blur: Hbox getting none of the breaks.
Webs: You gotta be kidding me!
phantom: チップ(ダメージは与えるが相手はノーリアクションになること), rest: ねむる(プリン下B)。sleepではない。
Blur: The Melee Gods do not smile kindly on Ju.. Hbox today.
Webs: Not at all. What's the lowest placing Hbox has gotten in 2016?
Blur: Oh it's not over, Webs. That's Hbox on Dream Land.
Webs: What's the lowest placing Hbox has gotten in 2016?
Webs: Hahaha.
the Melee Gods: ここではスマブラDXの「五神」のことではなく、「スマブラDXの神」placing: 順位
Webs: Ooh okay. He's got in a K.O. percentage again. Oh a little risky on the up smashes.
Blur: Can he get an edge guard? No he can't.
Webs: Beautiful shine stall. Cannot quite get a K.O.
K.O. percentage: 撃墜可能なパーセント, edge guard: 復帰阻止, shine stall: フォックスのリフ(下B)をshine(ピカピカ光るから)といい、stallは「遅延させること」の意味。shine stallはリフを利用して一時的に空中にとどまり相手の攻撃のタイミングを狂わせるテクニック。
Blur: Hbox gotta stay composed.
Webs: Yeah.
Blur: He gotta stay in the right mentality.
Webs: Down throw again?
Blur: Trying.. if he doesn't tech, down throw is good.
Webs: Yeah he tried to cover it with it.
down throw: 下投げ(方向 + throwで表す), tech: 受け身(をとる)
Blur: Go off stage... No?
Webs: Ooh nice.
Blur: Down smash could've been possible but okay.
down smash: 下スマッシュ(方向 + smashで表す)
could've, would've ('ve はhaveの省略形)など仮定法過去完了で「〜できたかもしれない」「〜たかもしれない」という表現は実況解説でよく登場する。聞こえ方は「くだぶ」「うだぶ」
Webs: The trade? That's all it takes, man. The nair is much weaker than Fox's fair.
Blur: M2K still in the lead, up two games.
Webs: Wow the falling up air. He's actually been killing in the aerial spacing game versus Hbox. LOOK AT THIS!
Blur: 46 %.
Webs: Big 46.
nair: neutral air(空N)の略。falling up air: (主にフォックス)降下しながらの空上, aerial: 空中の。「空中攻撃」の意味でも使用。spacing: ラインをとること
Webs: Great shield angling, staying as safe as possible, back to the laser game now. The mix-up between the pace-setting plays, so nice.
Blur: Between the aerials, lasers and all.
shield angling: シールドの位置調整, laser: フォックスのブラスター(NB), mix-up: 「択掛け」の意味で使われることが多いが、ここでは「プレイの緩急」といった意味合い。Mew2Kingが空中攻撃中心の近接戦とブラスターでダメージを蓄積する遠距離戦をバランスよく織り交ぜていることに言及している。
Webs: OH MY GOD. Hbox one stock away...
Bkur: On the verge of 3-0 by Mew2King.
Webs: 3-0'd by losers-bracket Mew2King.
Blur: This guy has been dominating for the last year and a half.
Webs: He has! The Mew2King chants.
Blur: Oh my goodness...
3-0: three-oと読まれる。数字のゼロをアルファベットの"O"に置き換えており、見ての通り「3タテ(する)」の意味。chant: コール、声援
Blur: Tries to nair in.
Webs: Nice.
Blur: Hungrybox gotta do something. He's got to pull it off.
Webs. Here we go. Did he.. I believe he landed, but he's gonna go for lasers, a little bir too far away.
land: 着地する, go for: 〜を選択する
Webs: Now M2K has to stay resolu... He CANNOT...
Blur: I think he should've gone for it.
Webs: Ohhh! Wow he goes for that.
Blur: Whatever, whatever.
Webs. Yeah.
Webs: Wha can he get off this? One up air? Two? 37 is a pretty good punish. Wow 52. And now can M2K keep it together?
Blur: Right.
Webs: He's gotta be care full.
Blur: This is the moment.
Webs: Not too many lasers.
punish: 敵の甘い行動を狩る行為全般を指す語。ここではねむっているHungryboxプリンに対する行動(ねむるはあたっているのでHungryboxの行動が甘かったわけではないが)。
Blur: Hungrybox meanwhile is trying to stay alive.
Webs: Yeah, this is right around the up-throw-up-air percentage.
Blur: Yes. It could K.O. He's staying away from grabs. You see that?
Webs: Down tilt.
Blur: Mew2King has gotta be careful rest is on the board.
Webs: That's all Hbox wants right now. And we've seen nothing but Clutchbox in 016. Can he do it one more time?
up-throw-up-air percentage: フォックスの上投げ空上で撃墜されるパーセント。特にプリン対フォックスでは強く意識される。grab: つかみ, down tilt:下強(方向 + tiltで表す)
on the board: 「可能性として残されている」といった意味合い。ワリオのおならやリトルマックのKOアッパーカットなど一撃必殺系の技に対してしばしば使われる。
Blur: Mew2King tries to falling-up-air. Not up-throw-up-air, he'll go for...
Webs: Down th...
Blur: Oh he didn't tech, he didn't tech.
Webs: UP SMASH! M2K! 3-0! Hbox, eliminated in losers-quarters of What The Fox.
eliminate: 敗退させる
Blur: He got 3-0'd twice in this tournament.
Webs: 3-0 twice by, Wizzrobe...
Blur: To be whoever he lost to.
Webs: Yeah he rarely lost to Mew2King, especially lately.
Blur: Whoa.
Webs: I am in shock.
Blur: Whoa.
Webs: And he just walks off into the sunset.
Blur: Hahaha.
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